An integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material, normally silicon. The integration of large numbers of tiny transistors into a small chip resulted in circuits that are orders of magnitude smaller, cheaper, and faster than those constructed of discrete electronic components. IC Chips are in stock at ALLCHIPS Electronics. ALLCHIPS offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for IC Chips. To know more, please view our large section of IC Chips below.
Product | Part Number | Manufacturers | Package | Description | Datasheet | Rfq |
Hammond Manufacturing 1451-30BK3 | Hammond Manufacturing | Bulk | COVER FOR CHASSIS 17X10X5.2" BLK |
Bud Industries NBX-10977 | Bud Industries | Bulk | PANEL INTERNAL 2.56 X 6.50" |
Bud Industries NBX-10978 | Bud Industries | Bulk | PANEL INTERNAL 2.56 X 9.25" |
Bud Industries NBX-10979 | Bud Industries | Bulk | PANEL INTERNAL 5.37 X 9.25" |
Pomona Electronics 4416 | Pomona Electronics | Bulk | REPLACEMENT COVER "E" ALUM BOX |
Pomona Electronics 3328 | Pomona Electronics | COVER ALUM BOX F,G,H DIE CAST |
Pomona Electronics 5198 | Pomona Electronics | Bulk | REPLACEMENT COVER "L" ALUM BOX |
Hammond Manufacturing 1554VPL | Hammond Manufacturing | Bulk | PANEL INNER STEEL 9.1X5.7" |
Phoenix Contact 2955616 | Phoenix Contact | Bulk | CONN ACCESSORY FOR UM-BEFE DINRA |
Keystone Electronics 2038 | Keystone Electronics | Bulk | 2038 |
Keystone Electronics 2043 | Keystone Electronics | Bulk | 2043 |
Keystone Electronics 2044 | Keystone Electronics | Bulk | PANEL ALUMINUM 2-7/8 X 3-15/16" |
Keystone Electronics 2045 | Keystone Electronics | Bulk | PANEL ALUMINUM 3-1/16 X 5-7/8" |
Keystone Electronics 2046 | Keystone Electronics | Bulk | 2046 |
Serpac 2003,IR | Serpac | Bulk | BOX END PANEL INFRA-RED A20 SERI |
Serpac 2010,CL | Serpac | Bulk | BOX END PANEL CLEAR A27 SERIES |
Serpac 2010,IR | Serpac | Bulk | BOX END PANEL INFRA-RED A27 SERI |
Serpac 2020,IR | Serpac | Bulk | BOX END PANEL INFRA-RED A41 SERI |
Hammond Manufacturing 1434-14 | Hammond Manufacturing | Bulk | COVER FOR PART #1444-14 |
Hammond Manufacturing 1434-16 | Hammond Manufacturing | Bulk | COVER FOR PART #1444-16/1444-15 |
Hammond Manufacturing 1434-18 | Hammond Manufacturing | Bulk | COVER FOR PART #1444-18 |
Hammond Manufacturing 1434-22 | Hammond Manufacturing | Bulk | COVER FOR PART #1444-22/1444-24 |
Hammond Manufacturing 1434-29 | Hammond Manufacturing | Bulk | COVER FOR PART #1444-29 |
LMB Heeger Inc. M-16LID PLAIN | LMB Heeger Inc. | Bulk | LID FOR M16 BOX |
Bud Industries BPA-1520 | Bud Industries | Bulk | CHASS BOT PLATE ALUM 8 X 17 NAT |
Bud Industries BPA-1530 | Bud Industries | Bulk | CHASS BOT PLATE ALUM 15 X 17 NAT |
Bud Industries BPA-1531 | Bud Industries | Bulk | CHASS BOT PLATE ALUM 17 X 17 NAT |
Bud Industries BPA-1589 | Bud Industries | Bulk | CHASS BOT PLATE ALUM 5 X 7 NAT |
Bud Industries BPA-1593 | Bud Industries | Bulk | CHASS BOT PLATE ALUM 7 X 9 NAT |
Bud Industries PBC-1576-C | Bud Industries | Bulk | COVER ABS FOR PB-1576-TF |