An integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material, normally silicon. The integration of large numbers of tiny transistors into a small chip resulted in circuits that are orders of magnitude smaller, cheaper, and faster than those constructed of discrete electronic components. IC Chips are in stock at ALLCHIPS Electronics. ALLCHIPS offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for IC Chips. To know more, please view our large section of IC Chips below.
Product | Part Number | Manufacturers | Package | Description | Datasheet | Rfq |
Amphenol ICC (FCI) 8638PSS4005LF | Amphenol ICC (FCI) | Bulk | CONN D-SUB SOCKET 8AWG SLDR CUP |
Conec 132J20019X | Conec | Bulk | CONN D-SUB SOCKET COAX GOLD |
NorComp Inc. 180-001-170-001 | NorComp Inc. | Tape & Reel (TR) | CONN D-SUB PIN 22-26AWG CRIMP |
TE Connectivity AMP Connectors 748333-4 | TE Connectivity AMP Connectors | Bulk | 748333-4 |
NorComp Inc. 170-202-170-003 | NorComp Inc. | Bulk | CONN D-SUB SOCKET 20-26AWG CRIMP |
TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 228596-1 | TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine | Bulk | CONN D-SUB SCKT COAX CABLE CRIMP |
TE Connectivity AMP Connectors 748610-8 | TE Connectivity AMP Connectors | Tape & Reel (TR) | 748610-8 |
TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine 207683-2 | TE Connectivity Aerospace, Defense and Marine | Bulk | 207683-2 |