An integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or "chip") of semiconductor material, normally silicon. The integration of large numbers of tiny transistors into a small chip resulted in circuits that are orders of magnitude smaller, cheaper, and faster than those constructed of discrete electronic components. IC Chips are in stock at ALLCHIPS Electronics. ALLCHIPS offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for IC Chips. To know more, please view our large section of IC Chips below.
Product | Part Number | Manufacturers | Package | Description | Datasheet | Rfq |
NXP USA Inc. PH4530L,115 | NXP USA Inc. | Tape & Reel (TR) | PH4530L,115 |
NXP USA Inc. PHB110NQ06LT,118 | NXP USA Inc. | Tape & Reel (TR) | PHB110NQ06LT,118 |
NXP USA Inc. PHB146NQ06LT,118 | NXP USA Inc. | Tape & Reel (TR) | PHB146NQ06LT,118 |
Nexperia USA Inc. PHB191NQ06LT,118 | Nexperia USA Inc. | Tape & Reel (TR) | PHB191NQ06LT,118 |
IXYS IXZ210N50L | IXYS | Tube | IXZ210N50L |
onsemi 2N5486G | onsemi | Bulk | 2N5486G |
onsemi BS107AG | onsemi | Bulk | BS107AG |
onsemi MMBF0201NLT1G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | MMBF0201NLT1G |
onsemi MMBFJ309LT1G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | MMBFJ309LT1G |
onsemi MMDF3N04HDR2G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | MMDF3N04HDR2G |
onsemi MMSF3P02HDR2G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | MMSF3P02HDR2G |
onsemi MTB50P03HDLT4G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | MTB50P03HDLT4G |
onsemi MTD6N20ET4G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | MTD6N20ET4G |
onsemi MTP10N10ELG | onsemi | Tube | MTP10N10ELG |
onsemi MTP23P06VG | onsemi | Tube | MTP23P06VG |
onsemi NTB75N03RG | onsemi | Tube | NTB75N03RG |
onsemi NTB85N03T4G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | NTB85N03T4G |
onsemi NTD110N02RT4G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | NTD110N02RT4G |
onsemi NTD23N03RT4G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | NTD23N03RT4G |
onsemi NTD60N02RT4G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | NTD60N02RT4G |
onsemi NTD70N03R-1G | onsemi | Tube | NTD70N03R-1G |
onsemi NTD80N02-1G | onsemi | Tube | NTD80N02-1G |
onsemi BS108ZL1G | onsemi | Cut Tape (CT) | BS108ZL1G |
onsemi NIF9N05CLT3G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | NIF9N05CLT3G |
onsemi NTB18N06LT4G | onsemi | Tape & Reel (TR) | NTB18N06LT4G |